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33 simple way to make the world better (right now)

By November 8, 2023December 22nd, 2023No Comments

Spring will not come in any way, prices are rising, vacation is not soon, the children do not obey. There are always enough reasons for a bad mood. How about instead of the next sad sighs and regrets to do something good, not particularly straining? You will catch two birds with one stone: you will make almost better not only the world around, but also your own life.

Most people think selfish, this is normal. We must take care of our own well -being to survive. But making the world better, we make our lives better.

1. It does it happier and strengthens health. Even small acts of kindness launch neurochemical reactions in the brain that improve the emotional and physical condition: the pain decreases, the level of depression and stress decreases, blood pressure normalizes.

2. Kindness – natural instinct of man. She helps more value attachment, love and friendship. Kindness and compassion affect the survival of the species. One good word can change life. Especially if your good deed is the only good thing that happened to a person in a day, or a week or a month.

3. Kindness “Infant”. Seeing how a person makes a disinterested act, we are likely to want to do something similar. It seems to launch a chain of positive changes and at the same time proves that kindness and compassion can be taught not in words, but by its own example.

4. Kindness reduces anxiety, depression and anxiety. If you are sad, bad and lonely, try to go outside (or even just go online) and do something good for someone. This is a wonderful alternative to self -digging and sad thoughts. And this will help you get distracted a little, then look at your problems from the other side.

5. Selfless acts balance negative events. Sometimes bad things happen, and we cannot prevent them. But we can restore the balance by making the world a little better ourselves. And for this you do not need to be a world leader and save the planet from global warming. You need to open your heart and believe that even a small good deed can change someone’s life for the better.

6. Do good deeds pleasant (and rightly). Often we do not know how good words or small help in the life of others influenced. But also often we hear the stories of people for whom someone’s participation turned out to be the most important event that changed everything. It is possible that one of these people is the same sad stranger, to whom you once added 10 rubles to a ticket in the subway, or a mother, who helped to pick up the stairs.

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